VIX is a cutting edge simulation ride and Brazil’s newest attraction.
It is a 24 person ride that takes passengers on a mesmerizing underwater voyage.
During the feature ride, guests will strap in and begin a sensory journey.
As the ride accelerates through a narrow passage of land, guests will feel their hair blowing in the wind, simulating the sensation of levitating through thin air, subtle forest fragrances are filtered into the space as guests journey through the forbidden forest, while soft hints of mist are emitted once the ride plunges towards the deep ocean. All culminating into an unforgettable immersive experience felt long after the ride is over
“It’s no longer about passively watching a movie, but really about feeling and being inside the movie,” said Lucas Werthein, co-founder of Sensorama. “There are just a few (rides) like it and it is a first for Latin America and just one of a handful of similar rides in the world including attractions at Disney and Universal.”
The simulation experience, which is designed for families and thrill seekers alike and suitable for ages 4 and older, allows passengers to travel to an underwater cave located thousands of feet below ground, which houses the nucleus of a new energy source, where a giant reservoir has lived devoid of human interference for over a thousand years.
“It’s astonishing. I’ve never been on a simulator and I can’t even begin to explain it,” said Paulo Hartung, governor of Espirito Santo, Brazil. “It must be ridden to understand what the experience is about.”
The innovation behind the project, which took two years to complete, lies in the infrastructure, unique user experience and VIX’s advanced simulation technology. The $4 million dollar project, required 100 tons of steel, 3 kilometers of cabling, a team of more than 90 professionals, a custom engineered building and a 172 square meter compound curve Screen Goo High Contrast screen, which is equivalent to the size of an Imax theater.
Sensorama is a virtual reality company that specializes in building compelling, ultra immersive, next generation simulation thrill rides that blur the lines between fiction and reality. The company was founded by Lucas Werthein, Marcelo Pontes and Felipe Reif.